Friday, May 31, 2019

PA Day - Monday, June 3/19

A reminder to all of our students and parents that Monday, June 3/19 is a PA Day. There is no school that day. School resumes on Tuesday, June 4/19. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend! Go Raptors!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mural Painting

Something exciting is happening at UMPS! Our Student Equity Leadership Team has spearheaded a mural painting project in our of our upstairs stairwell. The goal of the project is to celebrate UMPS’s shared values around ensuring that every child and family in our community feels safe, included and valued. The mural design was a joint effort between a local artist, Cindy Scaife and our student leadership team. The Equity Team went to various classrooms and asked the students what it means to belong and to be included. With that feedback, they sat with our artist and our Board Art teacher consultants and developed the plan for the design, how to include others in the actual creation and how to promote the ideals and values we collectively hope this mural showcases.

Here are some pictures taken on the first day. Stay tuned for updates as we will post our progress and then the finished product. Congratulations to our Student Equity Leadership Team for their initiative and passion to support our school’s equity goals.  Thank you to School Council who has agreed to subsidize part of the costs through their fundraising.

Trustee Greetings from Ron Lynn

Please see the greetings below.

June 2019 Trustee Ron Lynn Greeting

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Welcome to Kindergarten - Thursday, May 2, 2019

We welcome all of our new Kindergarten families to Unionville Meadows P. S. tonight (6:30-8:00PM). Our presentation is below. Looking forward to seeing you!