Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Class Placements 2018/2019

Class Placements 2018/2019

Every year in late May, we organize classes for the following year.  Input is appreciated from parents when we are making these placement decisions.  Our main objective is to create classes that will provide the optimum learning environment for everyone.

We recognize that children have their own learning styles.  We appreciate that parents have valuable information to share with us as we make placement decisions based on children’s capabilities, gender, work habits and behaviours.

Teachers have the benefit of knowing the children with whom they are currently working.  We rely on their professional decisions.  If, however, you have information or suggestions that will help teachers and admin make an appropriate placement, please write a note or email to the Principal, Alison Hall, before May 15th, 2018Requests for certain teachers will not be considered, rather please indicate the learning style or classroom structure which would be most appropriate for your child.  When teachers get together to create new class lists, they will use this information to help them make their final decisions. Requests for class placements will be considered as part of the input for these meetings but are not a guarantee of the final placement.

We do our best each year to balance the amount of times that a student is in a combined grade, however, just because a student was in a combined grade one year, it does not guarantee that they will be in straight grade the following year. 

Thank you very much for your consideration and input.
Alison Hall
Unionville Meadows P.S.