Thursday, January 10, 2019

Message From Trustee

Welcome back. I hope everyone is feeling refreshed following the winter break, and that you had a happy and safe holiday season. While the weather may be colder, I also hope that you had time to enjoy this beautiful season in Ontario.

It is my honour to serve as your school board trustee and to uphold the values of York Region District School Board. The new Board of Trustees was sworn in on December 3, following the October municipal elections. Together, we look forward to moving forward the four priorities outlined in the Trustees’ Multi-Year Strategic Plan:
  • Foster well-being and mental health
  • Build collaborative relationships
  • Champion equity and inclusivity
  • Empower ethical leadership

There are a lot of exciting things happening in our schools and classrooms to foster and support student well-being and mental health. Ask your child what’s happening in their school, and how they take care of themselves. As adults, we often focus on the health and well-being of the children in our lives, but it’s also essential that we take care of ourselves. Taking time to do the things we enjoy and nurture our own health is also important and helps to model a healthy and active lifestyle for our children.

An important part of my role as a trustee is to listen, and I look forward to connecting with members of our school community in the coming weeks and months. We will continue working to build collaborative relationships with our communities and to keep you informed about the things happening in the school board. I wish you all the best as we enter 2019.  

Ron Lynn
Trustee – Markham Wards 2, 3 and 6