Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Class Placements

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It is hard to believe that we are at the time of year to consider class placements for our students for next year.  This year has gone by so quickly!

In order to support our class placement process, we ask that should parents have input that they would like us to consider when placing students in home rooms, that they write a letter or an email and send it to the attention of the Principal or Vice-Principal (unionville.meadows.ps@yrdsb.ca).

These requests must come through the office and not through the classroom teachers.

The kind of input we appreciate is about your child’s particular learning style and how that might be addressed in a classroom setting.  We also like to have parents' perspectives on social issues that might impact the learning environment positively or negatively.

We do not accept requests for particular teachers, however, if there is something you would like to discuss with the admin team, please make an appointment to come in and see us.

Due to the nature of our staffing requirements, we will be having both straight and combined grades next year. We do look carefully at which students needs are best met in both of these environments and we try and balance those needs across your child’s time with us.

We accept letters requesting either combined or straight class placements, however, the final decision on placements are at the discretion of the school team.

Thank you for your consideration.