Saturday, September 7, 2019

A Caring, Safe and Inclusive Environment at Unionville Meadows PS

September 2019

Dear families,

It is important to us that we provide a caring, safe and inclusive environment in our school that supports the academic achievement and well-being of all students. We held a school assembly this week to talk about some of the important elements of a caring and safe school. You may want to have a conversation with your child about what they learned and discussed. Topics covered include:

Positive Behaviour
Students are encouraged to demonstrate positive character attributes (such as empathy, courage and respect for human rights and inclusivity). We also discussed standing up for each other in bullying situations and the importance of reporting incidents of bullying, including:
o    Telling a caring adult
o    Using the YRDSB’s “Report It Button” (located on our school website)
o    Contacting Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)

Student Discipline
We use a progressive discipline approach when inappropriate behaviour occurs. This means we consider a range of options to determine the most appropriate response to each situation to help students learn from their choices. In some cases, suspension or expulsion may be necessary. The Ontario Education Act and our Board Caring and Safe Schools Policy outline the situations in which suspension and expulsion must be considered. These infractions are also outlined in the Guide to the School Year. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, information will be shared with the victim and parents/guardians of the victim to the extent that legislation allows.

Tobacco/Alcohol/Drug-Free Environment
The use of tobacco, electronic products (such as vaping, electronic cigarettes and cigars and related products) and/or student possession of alcohol/illegal and restricted drugs, including cannabis, are prohibited on school property or within 20 metres of school boundaries. This also applies during Board or school-sponsored events and activities. This is in compliance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, which is enforced locally by York Region Community and Health Services and the Tobacco and Smoke-Free Environment Policy and Procedure. A progressive form of discipline, including suspension from school and fines (up to $5,000), is in place for students who break the law. In accordance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA), exceptions are made for the traditional use of tobacco that forms part of Indigenous culture and spirituality.

We also discussed the potential harms associated with vaping and e-cigarettes, including that e-cigarettes can contain nicotine, formaldehyde and other harmful chemicals, and are being used to inhale other harmful substances such as marijuana, weight loss supplements and other drugs. Partnership for Drug Free Kids also provides a resource on how to talk to your kids about vaping.

Appropriate Use of Technology
Students were reminded about the Appropriate Use of Technology agreement, including the importance of using respectful language and making positive choices when using electronic communications and social media tools. 

Students were reminded that threats made online are taken seriously and may have serious consequences, including potential criminal charges. Where there are concerns for the safety of students, staff, community members or Board property, the school board works closely with York Regional Police and appropriate actions are taken. The safety and well-being of students remains our top priority. 

For More Information
For more details on each of these items, please read the Guide to the School Year or visit the Caring and Safe Schools section on the YRDSB website for details and resources for families to continue the conversation. 

Thank you for helping us create a safe, respectful and inclusive school community.